Innovation projects.

We shape the cooperation and know-how transfer between business and science. Identifying trends and future technologies together and transferring them into market-oriented prototypes and business models: Our incentive for industry, SMEs and start-ups.

What are innovation projects?

Our innovation projects are at the heart of East Side Fab. We are convinced that successful innovations can only be created through cross-industry collaboration. That’s why we launched the innovation projects.

Do you have a specific solution, challenge or even an initial idea? Together with other players in our innovation community, we will support you in turning your idea into reality. We boost your innovation with the expertise of our innovation management team and the right budget.

The advantages.

  • A quick start – just a few weeks after submitting the application
  • Development of innovative products, business models and services
  • Short term of between three and twelve months – means fast implementation
  • Collaborative, cross-industry cooperation
  • Practicing a culture of error – failure is allowed!

#boostyourinnovation #collaboration #EnergyEfficiency #sustainability #E-mobility #specialists #education #NewWork #AppDevelopment #AutomobileIndustry #Data #AI #Cybersecurity
#boostyourinnovation #collaboration #EnergyEfficiency #sustainability #E-mobility #specialists #education #NewWork #AppDevelopment #AutomobileIndustry #Data #AI #Cybersecurity

Ready to start an innovation project?

Simply get in touch with our Innovation Management Team! Lukas will be happy to help you find suitable project partners and create a concrete idea outline to get you started.
Contact us

The process.

Schritt 1

Ihr habt eine Herausforderung, Problemstellung oder sogar schon eine konkrete Idee? Von Fachkräftemangel bis hin zu E-Mobilität – jedes Thema ist willkommen!
Schaut euch unsere aktuellen Innovationsprojekte an!

Schritt 2

Partner finden

Wir leben Kollaboration – denn nur so entstehen erfolgreiche, nachhaltige Innovationnen! Findet zwei weitere passende Projektpartner in unserer Innovation Community – wir unterstützen euch gerne.

Schritt 3

Kontakt aufnehmen

Nehmt Kontakt zu unserem Innovation Management-Team auf. Gemeinsam konkretisieren wir eure Idee, finden passende Partner und formulieren eine erste Ideenskizze.

Schritt 4

Wenn alle Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind, kann es direkt losgehen! Unser Innovation Management-Team unterstützt euch mit Know-How und dem passenden Spielgeld über eine Projektlaufzeit.
Jetzt loslegen!

Ready to start your first innovation project?

Get in touch